Project: CandyBarZ

CandyBarZ is the titlebar replacement for OS/2. CandyBarZ primary feature is to replace the original OS/2 look and feel; you choose what you want to replace and it does the rest.
The current version also supports transparency and it can enhance the look and feel of your tilebar, the buttons, checkbox, radiobuttons and so on.

With the new version you can also use bitmaps to skin your OS/2 desktop, upcomming support for WindowBlinds and Linux Themes is planned. If you want to support us join the CandyBarZ mailinglist!


If you just want extend your folders we now have transparency for your desktop! Chris Wohlgemuth released CandyFolder Version 0.1.0, this allows you to have transparent folders on your OS/2 or eCS Desktop.
You don't need CandyBarZ to install CandyFolder, it's a standalone application.

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